Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Process Runner : Week 2

Oct 1 - Oct 7:

The second week of training began with the arrival of the mail from Santosh promptly on Sunday afternoon. By now I had become eager to receive the mail and to know where the Saturday and the Sunday runs would be.

Monday is always a rest day. Tuesday is the short run near my house for fifteen minutes. I teamed up with rashmi for a run around the storm water drain. I set out from the office early so that I could run with Rashmi. I got a rap on my wrist from my 'BOSS' for leaving the office early for this new crazy passion of mine. After our run, Rashmi and I did our stretches and foot drills. I hadn't yet got the stretches and the sequence of the foot drills. Rashmi patiently explained the it all to me. My body was very stiff and I couldn't bend much. But nevertheless like a true soldier I carried on!

Wednesday was the straights and curves work out. After the warm up of two laps and the form exercises, we had to run eight laps of easy run in straights and curves method. It means we run for one minute and walk for three minutes till we get our breath back. It was quite tough and I kept tiring out at shorter distances and couldn't run much. 

Saturday was the Easy run at Decathlon and the distance we had to run was 5 Km. Again, I couldn't run beyond 1 minute and had to walk much of the distance. We had to run with our buddy groups. But since I was the slowest in my buddy group, everyone else went way ahead of me. Seema stayed with em for a good distance and then went ahead at her pace. Rashmi started getting her famous sandwiches and they are so tasty that all the run and the hard work seems worth it just to eat her sandwiches. Since we had driven in my car, Rashmi and I left early and did not wait for Pani.

Sunday was the recovery run of fifteen minutes at Cubbon Park. We did the form exercises, stretches and the foot drills as well. I had carried hot coffee with me. So Pani, Rashmia and I shared a tumbler of hot coffee, yes a steel tumbler of hot coffee before heading to the Kamat hotel for some masala dosa. 

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