Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A runner I befriended on the trial

Many crazy things happen on the trail and on a run. many are memorable events. The selflessness of a fellow runner or a volunteer, something someone said that inspired you to run further, someone cheering you on as you were trudging along slowly due to fatigue or pain, many such incidents help us to carry on running . But I have had the most wonderful and surprising experience or encounter that I am writing today.

My first run was the Bangalore Ultra 2012 last November and as I was running, nah... whom am i kidding, as I was walking, I chatted up with a runner from Vidyaranyapura who trains with the Nike Runner’s club and we talked about the usual, when did we start running, how many races have we run etc. I reached the finish line and forgot her name and everything about her. 

Then I met her in Auroville in a similar way. On the trial, running and walking, and we said hi! and we both expressed surprise for having met again in the similar fashion, again and I asked her name again and we chatted up. Once I crossed the finish line, again I forgot about her in the melee and mad frenzy of cheering the other runners. 

Wonder of wonders, after seven months, after I completed my KTM run, this September, I saw her running up to the finish of KTM said hi! to her as she finished. We spoke for a few seconds, expressed our surprise again and parted ways. This time she sent me a Facebook friend request after KTM. Finally, now I know her name after three chance meetings.

One of my friends met a friend of hers after 20 years on the KTM trial. 

Running never ceases to amaze me and there are many stories that I need to tell and that are coming very soon. 

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